Dear Del Rey Community -
City Planning department has released the video and contents for the
latest updates on the West Side Community plan. This update was shared
with a group "West side Community Plan advisory Group" in the 4th
meeting of the WCPAG on October 29th. The West Side Community Plan
provides zoning revisions and plans for Del Rey and Mar Vista along with
other West Side Neighborhood Council Areas.
The recording of the October 29, 2024 meeting and presentation slides
are now posted on the Westside Community Planning Advisory Group [1]
website. Please see the link below
Please review meeting 4 contents, watch the video of the meeting and
request to either provide feedback in writing to
and/or please attend the January 16th Land use and Planning Commitee
meeting at 7pm on zoom and provide your feedback on zoom to the DRNC
LUPC Committee. The link to the meeting agenda and zoom will be on the
calendar section of the Del Rey NC website
City Planning would like feedback from the community on the WSCP update.
The Community is encouraged to:
● Provide feedback on the draft zoning metrics for FAR, Height, and
Density released in the Spring 2024 Draft Land Use and Zoning Story Map
● Consult with Draft Summary of Refinements sheets as needed
Please use the Planning the Westside [2] website, Story Map [3], and
the meeting materials on the Westside Community Planning Advisory Group
[1] for reference. Please let City planning know if you have any
questions to the City planning department on:
All the best,
Westside Planning Team
Hola miembros de WCPAG,
Gracias por unirse a nuestra cuarta reunión del WCPAG. La grabación y
presentación de la reunión del 29 de octubre de 2024 ahora está
publicada en el sitio web del Westside Community Planning Advisory Group
Como recordatorio, por favor envíenos su tarea, antes del 16 dediciembre
de 2024.
Asignación de los miembros:
● Proporcionar comentarios sobre el borrador de las métricas de
zonificación para FAR, altura y densidad publicado en el borrador del
StoryMap de zonificación y uso de la tierra de la primavera de 2024.
● Consulte con las hojas Borrador de Resumen de Refinamientos según
sea necesario.
Para la tarea, utilice el sitio web de Planning the Westside [2],
nuestro Story Map [3] y los materiales de Westside Community Planning
Advisory Group [1] como referencia.
No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta.
Todo lo mejor,
Westside Planning Team